Chlosyne theona - Theona Checkerspot

<< >> The butterfly Chlosyne theona photographed in Selva lacandona, Montes Azules,Mexico
Selva lacandona - Montes Azules - Chiapas - Mexico
30 Aug 2015
The butterfly Chlosyne theona photographed in Belize Belize
The butterfly Chlosyne theona photographed in Mexico Mexico
The butterfly Chlosyne theona photographed in Mexico Mexico
The butterfly Chlosyne theona photographed in Mexico Mexico
The butterfly Chlosyne theona photographed in Mexico Mexico
The butterfly Chlosyne theona photographed in Guatemala Guatemala1533m
The butterfly Chlosyne theona photographed in Belize Belize
The butterfly Chlosyne theona photographed in Belize Belize
The butterfly Chlosyne theona photographed in Belize Belize
The butterfly Chlosyne theona photographed in Guatemala Guatemala310m

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